Product Description
See 12 different handling systems and ideas. Features include a self-propelled auger where the operator’s platform can be raised hydraulically, a custom-built grain truck that can haul 1100 bushels of wheat at a time, a self-propelled ladder with hydraulic extension, a custom-built portable grain cleaning system, two sampling systems for more effective grain marketing and at the same time protecting the farmer from mistakes at the elevator, an underground system that makes it easier to load out from flat bottom bins, a 130 bushel bucket mounted on a Payloader for loading grain out of large sheds, and a sorter that removes the green and frozen seeds from good quality canola. You’ll also see a telescoping transfer conveyor for easier unloading of semi trailers, a 75-foot long auger mounted on a truck, and an innovative system that allows farmers to transport containers in the field and fill them directly from the combine.